
Payment Rules

1.  Fee to be paid at Canara Bank, DSSC on or before 10th of the 1st month of every quarter during banking hours. (After payment, school copy should be dropped in the box kept for this purpose in the Bank)

2. Online fee payment facility is available through school website.

3. Late Fee: If fee is not paid before due date, late fee of Rs. 10/-will be charged per day as late fee.

4. If fee and fine are not paid for three consecutive months, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls.

5. Re-admission may be allowed after the payment of all arrears along with re-admission fee.

6. Parents are expected to keep a copy of the fee counterfoil safely with them and produce it whenever required by the school to verify the payment of fee.

7. All correspondence with regard to school dues should be dealt in person with the school authorities.

8. In case of deliberate breakage of laboratory or class room equipment, the student will have to pay the cost of the equipped damaged along with a penalty.

9. It is mandatory for every student to pay 12 months fee for one session (exemption only for students who are transferred from other Army

Terms for Balvatika - XII

Jun   -  Aug   -   First term

Sep  -  Nov   -   Second term

Dec  -  Feb    -   Third term

Mar  -  May    -   Fourth term

10. Every pupil whether already on the roll of the school or newly admitted during the term, shall be liable to pay all fee of the terms during any part of which his/her name is taken on the roll of the school.

11. No re-admission will be granted unless all previous dues are paid up-to date.