1. All students must attend the classes regularly on every working day. The child should reach the school on time by 7.55 a.m.
a) The school gate will be closed 10 minutes after the 1" bell.
b) Three late arrivals consequently would lead the student to be sent back home.
c) Children arriving after 8.05 a m. will be marked as absent.
2. Attendance of the pupils on the first and last working day of each term is compulsory. If absence is unavoidable, a letter of request must be sent to the Principal and leave should be obtained. Verbal communication will not be accepted.
3. Attendance will be taken before the commencement of the Assembly. Those who are not present on time will be marked absent. Pupils who come late or have been absent earlier will be reported to the Principal.
4. Pupils requiring leave during school hours should produce a letter from the parent. They will be issued an out pass, signed by the class-in-charge and the Principal.
5. After ten days of continuous absence without intimation to the Principal and reasons if any therefore, the absentee's name will be struck off from the roll. Re-admission will be granted at the sole discretion of the Principal and the Management Committee. Admission fee should be paid again at the time of re admission.